
A memory-recycling IO library written in Rust, inspired by Square's Okio for Kotlin

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Orio is a memory-recycling IO library written in Rust, inspired by Square's Okio for Kotlin. It speeds up buffered IO operations using a pool of previously allocated segments, which are returned to the pool (recycled) when finished.


Add orio to your dependencies with cargo add orio, or manually in your Cargo.toml:

orio = "0.1"


The Buffer struct is a mutable byte buffer, containing a vector of segments. It implements the Source and Sink traits, as well as the BufSource and BufSink traits.

extern crate orio;
use orio::{Buffer, DefaultBuffer, Source, BufSource};

fn main() -> orio::Result {
	let mut buf_a = Buffer::from_utf8("Hello world!")?;
	let mut buf_b = DefaultBuffer::default();
	let count: usize = buf_b.fill(buf_a, 5)?;
	assert_eq!(count, 5);
	let mut str_a = String::default();
	let mut str_b = String::default();
	buf_a.read_utf8_to_end(&mut str_a)?;
	buf_b.read_utf8_to_end(&mut str_b)?;
	assert_eq!(str_a, " world!");
	assert_eq!(str_b, "Hello");

When dropped, the Buffer returns its segments to the pool for reuse.

Sources and Sinks

Sources read data into Buffers. Sinks write data from Buffers. For most use cases, these won't be used directly. The buffered versions, BufSource and BufSink, provide more useful operations, and can be obtained by calling buffered on a source or sink.

use orio::streams::{BufSource, Result};

fn read<'a>(source: &mut impl BufSource<'a>) -> Result<(u64, String)> {
    let key: u64 = source.read_u64()?;
    let len: u16 = source.read_u16()?;
    let mut value = String::default();
    source.read_utf8(&mut value, len as usize)?;
    Ok((key, value))

fn write<'a>(sink: &mut impl BufSink<'a>, key: u64, value: &str) -> Result {