Widescreen statusbars for Doom, Chex Quest, HacX and selected Doom PWADs
- AeriaVelocityI'm going to put you in a refrigerator
- Berzasperd
- bglopezRaleigh, NC
- bishun
- bleedforeversatan world
- bockeSerbia
- CarlosGuzableGuatemala
- ClangClangBattarang
- cptwilsonWashington State, U.S.
- dabignerd
- Danielkaas94Århus ,Denmark
- Darthtallgeese
- Dragorian
- filipe-maia
- FozzeY
- Gliczy
- LeslieLotl
- Matthaiks
- MelaDoZer
- Miilenka
- Mirrorman95
- mmaulwurffNovosibirsk
- mootsoda
- NothingYPA
- p440west usa
- pucechanGainsborough, UK
- RyeFyre
- S1T0X
- SgtBloodyCzech Republic
- SlowpokeVG
- TehGallardo
- Termimad
- theCanunuCanada
- TheRealFlamepanther
- vdumitraskovicNovi Sad, Serbia
- zoomlogo12th grade