此为 猫啃网扛重族 的公开仓库。在此提供源文件及历史记录。
This is the public repository for Maoken Heavy Labourer. Source files and history records are recorded here.
日前某市场发布了一款新字体,称为“社体”。该字体是基于思源黑体 Heavy 改造而成,且发布了测试版本(三~四千字),但是在该市场发布正式版本时将该字体锁在积分墙后,严重违反思源黑体使用的授权《SIL 开源字型授权》里的“字体不可收费”条款。本计划依据该灵感重新修改思源黑体,提供真正开源免费、“高品质”的同类型字体。
Recently a marketplace has released a new font called "社体". It is modified from Source Han Sans Heavy and they had released a demo version with 3-4 thousands characters, however when the marketplace released the official version, it is locked behind a points-paywall (where one collect points to obtain the font, or more popularly pay for the points to obtain the font) which is a violation to the terms of SIL Open Font License, specifically the term: "no fonts may be sold by itself", which is the license Source Han Sans used. This projects provides a true open source and "high quality" font with the same idea, based again on Source Han Sans.
本字体是在猫啃网的请求下制作的字体,在思源黑体 CN Heavy/思源宋体 CN Heavy 的基础上使用脚本修改破烂外貌,呈现出经过岁月磨砂后的字形效果。
This font is a request from Maoken.com, based on Source Han Sans CN Heavy/Source Han Serif CN Heavy and then modified using scripts to make the characters look worn out, displaying an outlook of ages in the characters.
更新记录请参见 update.md。
For update records, please see update.md.
Why Heavy Labourer? Apart from the reason that this font is a tribute to the basic workers in our society, it also indicate that this font is heavy.
无后辍 / No suffix : 完整版,与「思源黑体 CN Heavy」相符/Full version, same coverage as Source Han Sans CN Heavy
简 / SC : 简体子集版,包含 GB/T 2312-1980,《现代汉语通用字表》及《通用规范汉字表》/Simplified Chinese subset, includes GB/T 2312-1980, 现代汉语通用字表 and 通用规范汉字表
请前往 发布页 下载 猫啃网扛重族 的最新版本。
Please visit Release page to download the latest version of Maoken Heavy Labourer.
本字体基于 SIL Open Font License v1.1 (SIL 开源字型授权,1.1 版)修改思源黑体。
This font had modified Source Han Sans under SIL Open Font License v1.1.
本字体亦在 SIL Open Font License v1.1 (SIL 开源字型授权,1.1 版)下公开发布,详细的授权条款可参阅 License 文件(简中译版参考)。
This font is also publicly released under SIL Open Font License v1.1. Please refer to the License file for details of the license.
Under this license, you can:
自由商用 Free for commercial use
Use the font with no payment or attribution to the author including commercial use. -
自由散播 Free for redistribution
Embed the font into any systems and software without requiring written permission. -
自由修改 Free for modification
可以把字体修改重制成其它字库,但是修改后的字库也必须要依 SIL Open Font License (SIL 开源字型授权)释出。
Modify the font into other fonts, but the modified font must be also released under SIL Open Font License.
This font is created with 3 steps:
部分较大的源文件已在额外文件分支拆分上传;本仓库全部源文件的副本可在 https://mega.nz/file/knBQBTSR#NVoLvm7ZA-p9HYXunqPknELcYUjXdt0eTgjrQUnFp5U 下载。
Some large source files are split and uploaded in supplement files branch; a copy of all source files in this repository can be downloaded at https://mega.nz/file/knBQBTSR#NVoLvm7ZA-p9HYXunqPknELcYUjXdt0eTgjrQUnFp5U.
If you want to contribute to this project, you may submit your glyphs through the following ways (glyphs that are modified only, not whole font):
- Fork repository, add a new branch with font file, request pull repository
- Submit font file through new issue
- Email font file to nfsl-fonts@outlook.com