
An online space where developers can collaborate in real-time on code.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Collaborative online IDE

A space where developers can collaborate in real-time on code👨🏾‍💻👩🏾‍💻.


Personal space

When users create an account on the application, they get access to a personal space, where they can see all their projects and edit them.

Full-fledged code editor

Users have access to a full-fledged code editor with syntax highlightning and autocompletion (for the languages supported by monaco editor)

Collaborative code editing

  • Several users can collaborate on a file together in real-time.
  • Users can see on their respective editors a cursor showing where their collaborators are in the file.
  • Users can invite other users to collaborate together on a project.

Future improvements

  • Code execution
  • Upload file
  • File download
  • Github integration
  • Better support for programming languages
  • Following feature during collaboration

How to run the app locally

  • Create a new firebase project. Add a Firestore instance to this project.
  • To install all the dependencies, run npm install in the root folder online-ide, the client folder and the server folder.
  • Create a .env file in the server folder. Fill it with the Json file containing your firebase project service accout key. The .env file should be like so:
# Firebase project configuration
FIREBASE_ADMIN_SDK_SERVICE_ACCOUNT= __json containing the service account key__

# Password hashing configuration
  • Use the function genKeyPair in the file online-ide/server/src/utils/jwt.ts to generate the RSA keys used by the server to sign the jwt tokens. It should create a folder named keys containing the files id_rsa_private.pem and id_rsa_pub.pem in the server folder
  • Run the entire application (both client and server) by executing the command npm run dev in the project root directory online-ide.