HiGrow sensors send data to server app and then Munin collect graphs.
Firmware basen on this - https://github.com/lucafabbri/HiGrow-Mongoose-OS-Firmware
Server writed with GoLang and Munin plugin writed with bash.
- install golang
- install mos tool - https://mongoose-os.com/docs/quickstart/setup.md
- Edit mos.yml:
- set higrow.deviceId and device.id
- set wifi.sta.ssid and wifi.sta.pass
- set wifi.sta.enable to true
- edit fs/init.js - change server IP
- compile and flash firmware
go get -u github.com/kataras/iris
- build and run server
- edit higrow.sh - change server IP
- copy higrow.sh to /etc/munin/plugins folder
- restart munin-node
- enjoy :)