
String Manipulation

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  1. A function to take in a string and return a string that is itself with the reverse of it interwoven together. For example, "ab12" would be"ab12" and "21ba" interwoven to make: "a2b11b2a"
  2. A function to check a string to see if it is a palindrome. Spaces should be ignored. For example:

Sample Text Result taco cat true some men interpret nine memos true never odd or even true This is not a palindrome false 1 test for numerics false 289982 true 1234321 true

  1. A mapping function that takes in a string of json payload and another string of mappings and returns a string of the mapped data. For example a payload of: { "Name" : "Hello", "This" : { "That" : { “TheOther” : "There" } } } And a map of: { "Test_Name" : "Name", "Test_Value" : "This.That.TheOther" } Should return: { "Test_Name" : "Hello", "Test_Value" : "There" }