Weather-ForeCast About: WeatherForecast app helps you to know the weather in details at any time and at any location you choose, you can add to favourite some locations to see it later, you can change the language of the app and see the temperature with different units, also you can choose to set alarm between 2 dates to send to you notification in these specific days to let you know if there is something extreme or severe in the weather and you can choose the location via gps or maps.

Features: Screen with dialog to choose gps or map location to get the current weather Home screen to see the current weather, current day weather per hour and the next days in week weather Add locations from map to favourite list and you can see their weather by clikcing on any of them and you can delete any Settings to change language, temperature units, wind speed and change location if you want Set Alerts in alerts screen to receive notifications on the desire days and time too know if there is any critical weather

Technologies used: Room database MVVM Architecture design pattern Navigation Graph Kotlin language