
Set up a Jenkins server running in Kubernetes, and configure a Kaniko pod template (Jenkins agent) for it.

MIT LicenseMIT


The following steps will use the values.yaml and config.json.template files from this repository in order to set up a Jenkins server running in Kubernetes, and configuring a Kaniko pod template (Jenkins agent) for it.

The value file is based on the default value file of the Jenkins chart,


1 - Create the namespace

First - create a new namespace, it will make the configuration and subsequent cleanup easier.

kubectl create ns kaniko-demo

2 - Create the registry secret

This is required to push to a registry (Dockerhub in this case), have a look here for more info.

You'll need to update the user and token placeholders before executing the following commands.

export BASE64_CREDENTIALS=$(echo -n "<user>:<token>"| base64) && \
  curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sglvt/k8s-kaniko-jenkins/master/config.json.template \
  | envsubst > config.json && \
  kubectl -n kaniko-demo create secret generic kaniko-secret --from-file=config.json

3 - Install the Jenkins chart

Optionally, you can have a look at the rendered template using helm template, which is a good idea before installing any chart.

The value file is customized to create a pod template with 2 containers: jnlp(Jenkins agent), and kaniko (see the podTemplates section - resource requests/limits can be tweaked).

If you want to make further changes, first download the file and update the --values argument to point to the local values.yaml file.

To install the chart:

helm repo add jenkins https://charts.jenkins.io
helm repo update
export CHART_VERSION=$(helm search repo jenkins/jenkins -o json | jq -r .[0].version)
helm upgrade -i demo jenkins/jenkins \
  --namespace kaniko-demo \
  --version ${CHART_VERSION} \
  --values https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sglvt/k8s-kaniko-jenkins/master/values.yaml \
  --set namespaceOverride=kaniko-demo

Jenkins is now deploying, and will soon be accessible with a configuration which supports building container images using Kaniko.

Additional info

The value file was saved using

export CHART_VERSION=$(helm search repo -o json | jq -r .[0].version)
helm show values jenkins/jenkins --version ${CHART_VERSION} > values.${CHART_VERSION}.yaml

and edited afterwards