Things to learn
- Git
- Jenkins setup by deploying Jenkins warfile into tomcat
- Installing apache HTTPD, Nginx on a Red Hat machine
- SSH Keygen in between 3 machine (Password less machine)
- Master and slave setup in Jenkins
- Integration of S3 Artifact to the Jenkins
- Pipeline job inside Jenkins(pipeline creation)
- Creating a Docker file by this docker file moving the image from local to central docker hub
- Jenkins setup by a docker file
- Creating a container by running a job inside jenkins
- Nexus dashboard setup
- Linux fundamentals and Basic commands with bash scripting
- Creating AWS resources on single instance (VPC, S3, IAM role, SNS, Load Balancer, RDS, Route 53, Cloud Watch, Auto-Scaling)
- Nagios dashboard setup to monitor i.e, monitoring tool
- Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Architecture
- Setting up a single node kubernetes cluster on ubuntu machine
- Adding worker nodes to the master machine
- A simple deployment on kubernetes cluster
- Kubernetes Monitoring Tool
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- EFK - Elastic search and Fluented and Kibana
- Setting up a Kubernetes Cluster by Ansible
- Provisioning EC2 machine by Terraform
- Provisioning EC2 machine by Ansible
- Create an Open-shift environment