
ModdingXP is (among) my firsts attempts at writing an application that was actually doing something. I was 13yo. It was around the year 2003. No Stack Overflow, no Reddit.. Anything you're currently thinking of: Non-existent.

Primary LanguageVBA

Modding XP v 1.0 Build 7

ModdingXP is (among) my firsts attempts at writing an application that was actually doing something. I was 13. It was around the year 2003. No Stack Overflow, no Reddit.. Anything you're currently thinking of: Non-existent.

18 years after, I'm releasing its source code. Find it inside src/. The binary file for download is inside bin/ but will also remain uploaded on Mediafire for until this website will remain on.

Lastly, I have also uploaded a EXTRA folder. Every note, every image, everything that helped me building ModdingXP is there. Well, not everything maybe, but this folder is still important to me.

Posted on July 14, 2012 on juricalleri.net

Modding XP is the name I gave to my first real Windows application, written in Visual Basic 6 and tested in Windows XP/Vista/7 but of course it was made with Windows XP in mind.

I was 13 when I wrote it, it all started when I discovered it was possibile to add a string beside the Windows clock, so I followed a tutorial I found to edit a system registry key, once done my name was beside the clock!

Honestly I liked it and and I thought I could write a program to automate this procedure.

The "Alpha" version of Modding XP was called "testo vicino all'orario" (text next to the time, for not italians), it was a simple VB6 application with an input box and a button, whatever you wrote in it you could see next to the clock.

I loved it more and more, it brought me to seek more Windows cheats who used the system registry to make funny and useful tricks. I found many nice tricks, I wrote them on a text file and I started to write also the VB6 code for each of them. The code was quite similar for almost all of them, except where I had to create arrays (such as "Windows flag").

It didn't take me much time writing the code, VB6 is mainly based on visual programming, I spent much time thinking to a "coloured" and stylish layout for the GUI.

After six Beta version and various tests I finally compiled the first and final version of Modding XP, the 1.0 build 7.

Years ago I also tried to publicize it so I gave the executable to a guy I met on a forum (I guess) who didn't publicized it on its website but at least he wrote me an email where he said that Modding XP helped a friend of him to fix some pc issues.. Did I create an antivirus and I didn"t even know?? (: I"m glad it helped but perhaps now it is time to publish it on my (cool) website!

Screenshoot (on Windows 7 because XP is too old) and download link here:


