
a new Chinese Weibo comments dataset collected from Sina Weibo comment specifically for cyberbullying detection


a new Chinese Weibo comments dataset collected from Sina Weibo comment specifically for cyberbullying detection

A Weibo comment is labeled as bullying if it

  1. uses a sexist, racial or geographical slur.
  2. uses swear words or humiliation to blame someone without a well founded argument.
  3. blatantly misrepresents truth or seeks to distort views on a minority with unfounded claims.
  4. expresses a tendency to violence or curse on a minority.
  5. contains attacks on appearance, body or family members.
  6. is one of repeated negative comments, or call others to join the attack.
  7. imposes a nickname that others are unwilling to accept or insulting.


Nijia Lu, Guohua Wu, Zhen Zhang, Yitao Zheng, Yizhi Ren, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo (2019), Cyberbullying Detection in Social Media Text Based on Character-level Convolutional Neural Networks with Shortcuts


Thanks: B. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Zhong, X. Fan