- Nikan Vasei - 400105303
- Erfan Mohammadi - 400170352
- Sero Hartounian - 400170354
- All of the required libraries are included in the notebook
- All of the required libraries are included in the notebook
- MAFFT - required for the MSA(Multi-Sequence Alignment) task
- MEGA - required for constructing the phylogenetic tree using the NJ(Neighbor-Joining) Algorithm
- RAxML-NG (Binary file included in the Applications directory) - required for constructing the phylogenetic tree using the ML(Maximum-Likelihood) Algorithm
- MrBayes - required for constructing the phylogenetic tree using the BI(Bayesian Inference) Algorithm
- FigTree (Jar file included in the Applications directory) - required for visualizing the phylogenetic trees
- You need Java (version 6 or later) in order to run the jar file for MrBayes
- All of the required libraries are included in the notebook