
You can find here all materials that I have used for learning front-end and back-end JavaScript technology. I am also including resources that I have not gone through yet, but were recommended to me.


You can find here all materials that I have used for learning front-end and back-end JavaScript technology. I am also including resources that I have not gone through yet, but were recommended to me.

Some resources will be in English, some in Polish. I have categorized them by language and free/paid options as well.

Polish resources - free

HTML, CSS, JavaScript




Node.js - backend

Git & GitHub

Polish resources - paid

  • Samuraj Programowania For basics in HTML5, CSS3, advanced CSS with animations and Sass preprocessor, and JavaScript, I would recommend courses from Samuraj Programowania on Udemy. Everything is explained in a simple and understandable way, there are also practice examples. Exercises are a bit easy in my opinion and usually do not require you to do some additional work, but it overall it is good as a starter.

  • Szkoła Reacta For React I have finished a paid course from Szkoła Reacta, where you can work with other people on your level, ask the mentor for help, get code review for improvenment and focus specifically on this library. I would recommend to practice vanilla JavaScript by creating your own projects before, to get a good grasp of it. Practicing Object Oriented Programming is also a good thing.

  • helloroman: React od podstaw/React w praktyce/React zaawansowany

  • TworcaStron - Node.js

English resources - free

HTML, CSS, JavaScript



Vue.js 3 & Nuxt




Node.js - backend

English resources - paid

  • Frontend Masters - paid courses for all frontend required technologies - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Vue.js, Angular, etc. The courses are very detailed and understandable. I acquired the company license, but I would consider buying the subscription anyway. Highly recommended.

All in one/uncategorized courses/games

YouTube projects/channels

Consoles/code sandboxes
