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CodeIgniter 4 Starter Kit

To me who uses Laravel a lot, it is really painful to find a good starter kit for a new project. Laravel does a lot of starting points and because there are visibly none for CodeIgniter, I decided to create a starter kit for CodeIgniter.

This starter kit is a mix with Laravel-like project, with the Laravel's starting packages, so hopefully this starter kit has a good value. Any PRs regarding improvement to the starting kit is welcome.


  • Basic Authentication
  • User control to edit the user's information via Dashboard

The package includes:

  • Laravel mix (to mimic Laravel's asset compiling)
  • TailwindCSS w/ DaisyUI (you can remove DaisyUI if you prefer to use plain TailwindCSS)
  • AlpineJS
  • ChartJS
  • jQuery
  • Simplelightbox
  • Sweetalert2

Getting started

  • Clone this project.
  • Run composer install.
  • Run npm install.
  • Run npm run dev or npm run watch to compile assets.


The authentication method is based on the User model. Inside the LoginController, the LoginUser service will set the user's information to the session. In default, the authentication only provide username as the authentication key, you can override the key for whatever you like such as email, but you have to make sure that field is exists in the users table.