
Python based auto clicker

Primary LanguagePython


Uses python to automate mouse clicks.


  1. Download and install python3:

  2. Clone the directory:
    run git clone https://github.com/Nikateen/Python-Clicker.git

  3. install requirements:
    locate the directory you cloned to on terminal and run pip3 install -f requirements.txt


Each line in the Coordinates.txt file contains the following: x y n
this will click the point (x,y) on your screen 'n' times before moving on to the next coordinate

if Coordinates.txt has
10 10 1
20 20 2

Then the clicker will click (10,10) 1 time, and then it will click (20,20) 2 times during each iteration of the program.

To find coordinates on your screen:

  1. Run the coordFinder script:

    • On Linux/MacOS: python3 coordFinder.py
    • On Windows: py coordFinder.py
  2. Hover your mouse over any place on the screen and click 'p' on your keyboard.
    This will print the coordinates of your mouse onto the terminal, you can enter these coordinates in Coordinates.txt in the correct format


  1. Make sure you have entered the coordinates in the correct format (refer above)

  2. run click.py:

    • linux/MacOS: python3 click.py < number of iterations >
    • Windows: py click.py < number of iterations > number of iterations: specifies how many times the program should repeat the clicks in Coordinates.txt
  3. while script is running, press p to start the clicker.


  1. You may need to grant keyboard and mouse permissions to the script for it to work properly

  2. Failsafes: (to stop the clicker at any point of time)

    • Failsafe #1 : press the esc key to end the script
    • Failsafe #2 : quickly move the mouse to the top left of the screen to stop the program