Gym Form - Basic HTML and CSS

Welcome to the Gym Form project! This repository contains a simple web page created using basic HTML and CSS. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the implementation of a non-responsive and non-action form for gym registration.It does not include any backend functionality or interaction with a server.

The Gym Form includes the following fields:

  • Full Name: Allows the user to enter their full name.
  • Age:asks of user age.
  • Gender:You can type your gender
  • email Id: Asks for the user's email address.
  • Submit Button: A button to submit the form (not functional in this non-action form). gym

Calculator - HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Welcome to the Calculator project! This repository contains a simple web-based calculator created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the implementation of a functional calculator with basic arithmetic operations, trignomertic function and logarithmic functions (log), and the constant 'e'.


  • Addition: Add two or more numbers.-

  • Subtraction: Subtract one number from another.

  • Multiplication: Multiply two or more numbers

  • Division: Divide one number by another.

  • Clear: Clear the calculator's display and reset the current calculation.

  • power: calculates the number raised to the power 2

  • Delete:deletes a digit

  • basic trignometric funtions: you can calculate the value of sin,cos and tan

  • logarithmic functions (log), and the constant 'e'

  • Keyboard Support: The calculator also works with keyboard input for both numbers and operators.

  • calci

Analog Clock Using HTML,JS,CSS

Analog Working Clock using HTML, JS, and CSS This project demonstrates how to create a functional analog clock using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The clock displays the current time with rotating hour, minute, and second hands.

How It Works

The analog clock is created using the following components:

HTML: The basic structure of the clock is defined using HTML. It includes a container for the clock face and elements for the hour, minute, and second hands.

CSS: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used to style the clock components. The clock face is styled, and the hands are designed as lines that rotate to indicate the time.

JavaScript: JavaScript is responsible for calculating the current time and updating the rotation of the clock hands accordingly. The setInterval function is used to update the time and hand rotations at regular intervals.


Pizza Website

This is a simple pizza website created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The website is designed to be responsive and can adapt to various screen sizes. Web capture_11-10-2023_16624_127 0 0 1


Responsive design for three different screen sizes. Interactive pizza menu with images and descriptions. Contact information and location details.


Here are some screenshots of the website at different screen sizes:


127 0 0 1_5500_food%20webiste_pizza html


127 0 0 1_5500_food%20webiste_pizza html (1)


127 0 0 1_5500_food%20webiste_pizza html (2)