
8 puzzle solver, a python program that solves the modified version of Expense 8 puzzle problem using different algorithms,

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


8-puzzle game, a sliding puzzle where players try to rearrange 8 tiles into numerical order. The program uses following algorithms to find the solution from any given 'initial state' to 'final state' of the puzzle.

- A* search (A star search)
- BFS (Breadth first search)
- DFS (Depth first search)
- DLS (Depth limited Search)
- GREEDY (Greedy search)
- IDS (Iterative deepening depth-first search)
- UCS (Uniform cost search)

👨‍💻 Problem Statement

In this project, our goal is to develop an agent that can solve a modified version of the classic 8-puzzle problem, called the Expense 8 puzzle problem. Similar to the original problem, the task involves rearranging 8 tiles on a 3x3 grid, where only one tile can be moved at a time to an adjacent blank location. However, in this modified version, each tile is assigned a cost that represents the expense of moving that particular tile.

For instance, moving the tile marked with 6 would cost 6. Our objective is to determine the optimal order of moves that would result in the desired configuration of the puzzle while minimizing the total expense incurred.

✨ Given Inputs Format

start.txt - contains the initial state of the board
goal.txt - contains the goal state of the board

⭐️ Sample Inputs

Start orientation:
    2 4 3
    1 0 6
    7 5 8

Goal orientation:
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 0

⚡ Sample Output

Algorithm: A* Search
Time taken: 2.025 ms

Nodes Explored:  20
Solution Found at depth 6 with cost of 24.
    Move 4 Down
    Move 2 Right
    Move 1 Up
    Move 4 Left
    Move 5 Up
    Move 8 Left

👇 Requirements

  • Install Python 3.x version or greater

🛠️ How to Run (step by step)

Open Terminal and follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/Nikhil-prog/8-puzzle-solver.git

  2. Change to repository folder

    cd 8-puzzle-solver

  3. Run Driver function

    python expense_8_puzzle.py