
Extension of CFR minimization algorithm for Kuhn poker to a generic form with any combination of card deals and number of players. Primarily Used for experimentation with 4-player Kuhn Poker.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Implementation of counterfactual regret minimization algorithm for Kuhn poker in python

This is supplementary code for Counterfactual regret minimization blog post here

to install:

pip install -r requirements.txt

to run:

from common.constants import CARDS_DEALINGS
from games.kuhn import KuhnRootChanceGameState
from games.algorithms import ChanceSamplingCFR, VanillaCFR

root = KuhnRootChanceGameState(CARDS_DEALINGS)
chance_sampling_cfr = ChanceSamplingCFR(root)
chance_sampling_cfr.run(iterations = 1000)
# read Nash-Equilibrum via chance_sampling_cfr.nash_equilibrium member
# try chance_sampling_cfr.value_of_the_game() function to get value of the game (-1/18)

# vanilla cfr
vanilla_cfr = VanillaCFR(root)
vanilla_cfr.run(iterations = 1000)

# read Nash-Equilibrum via vanilla_cfr.nash_equilibrium member
# try vanilla_cfr.value_of_the_game() function to get value of the game (-1/18)

to run simple tests:

pytest tests/