
Scala-Spark-Mail is the utility which uses to send Spark job failure and Success message in a mail. It uses smtp protocol to send mail and primarily based on javax API. It is very easy to use, you just need to create a object and provide a complete path of Configuratin file where you need to mentioned all properties mentioned in below application.conf file.

Compiled Version

  • Scala "2.11.12"
  • SBT 1.2.8

How to Use in Program

  • Download complete Jar file directly from below path or else clone it and compile it using command sbt clean assembly

  • Add this Jar dependencies in Spark Project (in build.sbt) like below:

    "com.spark.mail" %% "Email" % "0.0.1" from "file:///<path of Jar>/Scala_Spark_Mail.jar"


    Add module dependencies in intelliJ or Eclipse

    click here for details about adding unmannaged dependecny.

  • Edit configuration file and add below properties

      email {
              email_username= "userName"
              email_recipient="<list of receipent mail with comma separated>"
              email_auth ="true"
      spark {
        appName = "Spark_Test_Job"
  • Import method in Spark Scala Object or Class

  • Initialize Email Object as below

    val msg = "Spark Job failed" //you can initialize msg as exception of failure

    val Emailobj = new Email(<path of Conf file>)


    sendMail Method

    sendMail method comes with four parameters, in which three parameters are optional. Please find below details:

    • sendMail(message, SparkApplicationId, MailSubjectLine,MailType,defaultMessage,ListOfAttachments)

      • sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId,"","F"): Send message as Failure with subject as "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job.".
      • sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId,MailSubjectLine,"F"): Send message as Failure with subject as MailSubjectLine.
      • sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId,"","S"): Send message as Success with subject as "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job.".
      • sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId,MailSubjectLine,"S"): Send message as Success with subject as MailSubjectLine.
      • sendMail(message,SparkApplicationId): Send message as Success with subject as "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job.".
      • sendMail(message): Send message as Success with subject as "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job.". It can use for Scala Job without Spark.
    • Default Value

      • SparkApplicationId = blank ("")
      • MailSubjectLine = "Alert:Spark SparkAppName Job."
      • MailType = "S"
        • F - For Failure
        • S or Blank("") - For Success
        • R - For Report
      • defaultMessage = Message that display at header of message.
        • default value are:
          • When MailType is "F" - "Spark Job has been Failed On Date Time . Failed due to below reason:"
          • When MailType is "R" - "Please find below Report:"
          • When MailType is "" Or other than "F" & "R" - No Header
      • ListOfAttachments = Complete paths of all attachment files separated by Semi Colon (;).
        • default value is blank.
        • It take String of complete paths of all files separated by Semi Colon (;) and Name separated by Comma within File path as below.
        • When pass value as - "FilePath1;FilePath2" or "FilePath" - It send all files with Name as file system.
        • When pass value as - "Name1,FilePath1;Name2,FilePath2" or "Name,FilePath" - It send all files with respective Name separated by comma (,) with File Path.

    Sample Spark Code

      object TestSPark {
          def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
      	      /* Logic of Spark Program */
      	     val Emailobj = new Email(<path of Conf file>)
      	    } catch {
      		    case e: Exception => 
      			    val msg = e.toString
      			    val Emailobj = new Email(<path of Conf file>)