
SSR application using React, TS, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, jdenticon

Primary LanguageTypeScript

What is it?

We prepared this minimal boilerplate, so you can start implementing the designs with all the required configs for code style and Next.js environment.

Fork this repo and send us a link to the repo with your results.

Figma Designs: https://www.figma.com/file/SWyCwoO9gHgwsAMMNtwzWW/Test-Task?node-id=0%3A1


  • Implement "Add Customer"/"Edit Customer" functionality (do not implement validation)
  • Implement "Delete Customer" button


  • Use Tailwind for styling
  • Do not use external libraries to implement state management (no redux, recoil, etc)
  • Use jdenticon to generate avatars (email as input)
  • Show us best practices you know

Anything else?

If you think that there are not enough details in some part of the task, just implement it the way you think it should be.

Be careful! We expect you to extract as much information from the designs as possible.