Project status

React FE project

Table of Contents

Local Development URLs

  • Frontend client: http://localhost:3000/. This is the default URL for the frontend client identified by the DEV_SERVER_HOST and the DEV_SERVER_PORT environment variables.

Hosted Development URLs

General Information

Key Technologies Used


Env variables

  • APP_NAME: general app name to identificate project
  • BACKEND_URL: url for backend API requests
  • HOST_URL: the host to the site, without campus subdomains
  • WEBSOCKET_HOST: url for proxying web sockets in development mode
  • WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL: the WebSocket protocol, ws:// without TSL and wss:// with TSL
  • API_URL: url prefix for API requests, helps to avoid duplication on each request
  • DEV_SERVER_PORT: port for dev server
  • DEV_SERVER_HOST: host for dev server
  • STORAGE_KEY: key used to identify application object properites in localStorage
  • GOOGLE_TAG_ID: Google Tag Manager ID
  • CACHE_STATE_KEYS: what to store, set empty or null to store all state
  • CACHE_STATE_PERSIST_KEYS: persisted store information after "Clear" action
  • LIMIT: default limit for resources with pagination
  • SENTRY_ORG: Sentry organization
  • SENTRY_PROJECT: Sentry project
  • SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN: Sentry auth token
  • SENTRY_DSN: Sentry DSN
  • SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT: Sentry environment
  • SENTRY_RELEASE_VERSION: Sentry release version


Install required packages:

yarn install

Run app in development mode:

yarn start

Run production build:

yarn build

Run ESlint and Stylelint checks:

yarn lint

Run ESlint and Stylelint checks and fix all fixable issues:

yarn lint:fix

Run Vitest test cases:

yarn test