
A report written for a data mining class about using data mining techniques to predict a person's personality type.


A report written for a data mining class about using data mining techniques to predict a person's personality type. This was intended to be just a fun project but turned out pretty well and I liked the report so I threw it on here!


We used data mining techniques to create a system able to predict one’s MBTI personality based on a sample of text the person has written. We obtained user data consisting of the MBTI personality type label for a user and a sample of text the user has written from a personality forum. We performed text analysis on the users written texts and applied different data mining techniques including support vector machines, neural networks, and logistic regression to predict the MBTI personality type of the author of a written piece of text. We then reported and discussed our findings. This report was written as part of the requirements for SENG 474 / CSC 578D: Data Mining, offered at the University of Victoria, taught by Dr. Alona Fyshe. Index Terms—data mining, personality, Myers-Briggs, text analysis, natural language processing.