A server downtime montoring webapp that sends notifications to owners when there is downtime
- Python / Django / Django Rest Framework
If not using docker, you can setup a virtual environment using the command below
python -m venv env
then activate it with
./env/Scripts/activate # windows or
source env/bin/activate # linux or mac
Once the virtual environment has been activated, install the necessary requirements by using the command below
python manage.py migrate
If you haven't cloned the repository, use the command to clone from the terminal
git clone https://github.com/NikkyXO/sdtmonitor.git
When creating a new branch, ENSURE that the branch name starts with the format SDT-<issue-no>-<short-description> e.g. SDT-1-project-setup and the main branch is from develop.
When creating a pull request, please select the target branch as develop
- After writing your code, make sure to run the tests and ENSURE it passes before pushing to the git repository. Use the command below to run the test.
python manage.py test
Run the following command
# if pushing for the first time
$ git push -u origin <branchname>
# if pushing normally
$ git push