
This VS Code extension helps navigating inside TypeScript, Angular and NgRx projects.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypesScript Jump

This extension helps navigating inside TypeScript projects.

Command Description
Jump: Test Navigates to the corresponding .spec.ts file.
Jump: Implementation Navigates from .spec.ts to the corresponding implementation.
Jump: Logic Navigates to the corresponding component.ts file.
Jump: Template Navigates to the corresponding component.html file.
Jump: Style Navigates to the corresponding `component.(scss
Jump: Action Navigates to the corresponding NgRx actions.ts file.
Jump: Effects Navigates to the corresponding NgRx effects.ts file.
Jump: Reducer Navigates to the corresponding NgRx reducer.ts file.
Jump: Selectors Navigates to the corresponding NgRx selectors.ts file.
Jump: Facade Navigates to the corresponding NgRx facade.ts file.