
Altering and displaying desired information from HBase that contains Amazon Game Reviews.


Altering and displaying desired information from HBase that contains Amazon Game Reviews.


Dataset: https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazon-reviews-pds/tsv/amazon_reviews_us_Video_Games_v1_00.tsv.gz

The description of the columns: https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazon-reviews-pds/tsv/index.txt

Part 1:

  • Download and Insert this dataset to a HBase table named "GameTable":

  • Keep three column familys: (i) Info (contains columns ‘marketplace’ and ‘verified_purchase’) (ii) Rating (contains columns 'star_rating', 'helpful_votes', 'total_votes', ) (iii) Review (contains columns 'review_headline', 'review_body')

  • The columns under 'Rating' should be integer. The columns under 'Info' and 'Review' should be string.

  • Concat 'customer_id' and 'review_id' by an underscore to use it as the Row Key. (for example, some random Row Key for a certain row can be 11_22, where 11 is the customer_id and 22 is the reiview_id.

  • After creating the table and inserting data, run 'describe' command to show that the table has been created perfectly and then run 'scan' & 'limit' command to show 5 rows.

Part 2:

  • Alter 'Review' column family to support 3 versions. Now, take a random row to put additional 2 different 'review_body'. Then show the all 3 'review_body' for this row.

  • Find the 'review_bodys' that have the word 'awesome'.

  • Find the 'review_headlines' that have any characters apart form alphanumerical characters (use regex).

Part 3:

  • Find how many reviews have 'star_rating' equal to 5.

  • Find the average 'helpful_vote' in the dataset.

  • Show the 'review_headlines' that got 1 'star_rating'.


Importing Project:

  • Open “eclipse”, right click on “Package Explorer” window, click import.
  • Select “Git”-> “Projects from Git” and click “next”.
  • Select “clone url” and click “next”.
  • Paste “https://github.com/shudipdatta/HBase_Demo.git” in the “url” textbox, Change protocol to “git”, and click “next”.
  • Choose “Import existing project” and click “finish”.

Referencing libraries:

  • Right click on project and select “build path”-> “configure build path” ->”libraries”->”add external jars”.
  • Go to the directory “File System/usr/lib/hadoop” and select all jars
  • Go to the directory “File System/usr/lib/hbase” and select all jars
  • Go to the directory “File System/usr/lib/hbase-solr/lib” and select all jars
  • click ok