
Used Spark to manage big data for PageRank algorithm.

Primary LanguageScala



  • This program is done in Scala.

  • Hadoop is used as memory for Spark.

  • commands.scala file is there to make your life easier to copy paste all commands at once to the command prompt.

  • PageRank_complete.scala file contains the problem description and commented code.


Hadoop Commands (copied from: https://github.com/shudipdatta/Spark_Demo/edit/master/commands.txt)

hadoop fs -mkdir InputFolder //make the inputfolder

hadoop fs -copyFromLocal '/path/to/your/inputFolder/PR_Data-1copy.txt' InputFolder //copy PR_Data-1copy.txt to hdfs inputfolde

Spark Commands

  • When running the code, make sure you change the path to your input file in hadoop at the beginning of the program.
  • Execute all commands in the given order.
  • The result will be displayed in the console.