
This repository containing the Phase Based method using Eulerian Motion Magnification (EVM) implementation with C++

MIT LicenseMIT

Phase Based EVM C++



This repository containing the Phase Method Eulerian Motion Magnification (EVM) implementation with C++

This implementation is based on the works done at MIT CSAIL. For futher details visit https://people.csail.mit.edu/nwadhwa/phase-video/

Ιmplementation works only with:

Fillters pyrType attenuateOtherFreq
differenceOfIIR octave / halfOctave ✔️
differenceOfButterworths octave / halfOctave ✔️

Compiling and Running the code:

Required packages: C++, CMake, FFMPEG, FFTW3

Set correct I/O filename

In main.cpp input_filename & output_filename need to be set right for your path.


$ cd <PROJ_DIR>
$ cmake .
$ make

Running the program

$ cd <PROJ_DIR>
$ ./bin/phase_Eulerian


In ./data/ having the start video (before magnification) and the final output video extended with _phase.avi. Do not use large size video.


This project has been adapted as reference to build Phase EVM by:

  1. https://github.com/kgram007/Eulerian-Motion-Magnification