Undergraduate Student @ NKUA | Informatics & Telecommunications
National and Kapodistrian University of AthensAthens Metropolitan Area
Pinned Repositories
experience-primer-copilot-Nikos25K created by GitHub Classroom
📚 This repository contains the project work for the Analysis and Design of Software Systems course at the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications - NKUA. The project involves modeling a game system using UML diagrams and structured analysis, focusing on both user interactions and game mechanics.
📐 This project implements various computational geometry algorithms, focusing on convex hulls, linear programming, Delaunay triangulation, and geometric search. The code is organized into multiple modules, each solving specific geometry-related problems and demonstrating core computational methods.
This repository contains project work for the Database Design and Management course at NKUA, including assignments on ER diagram design, SQL query writing, and a web-based API using MySQL for the "Movie Star" game concept.
💻 JobExecutorServer is a multithreaded server that manages and executes jobs in a producer-consumer queue model, allowing multiple clients (jobCommanders) to submit, monitor, and control job execution through socket communication.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
📻📡 The Radio Link Frequency Assignment Problem
💻 This project is a custom shell implementation written in C. It provides a command-line interface for users to execute commands, manage command history, create and use aliases, and handle input/output redirection and pipelines. The shell supports various built-in commands and can execute external programs, making it a versatile tool.
This project aims to develop a comprehensive academic monitoring system for a university department.
Nikos25K's Repositories
📚 This repository contains the project work for the Analysis and Design of Software Systems course at the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications - NKUA. The project involves modeling a game system using UML diagrams and structured analysis, focusing on both user interactions and game mechanics.
📐 This project implements various computational geometry algorithms, focusing on convex hulls, linear programming, Delaunay triangulation, and geometric search. The code is organized into multiple modules, each solving specific geometry-related problems and demonstrating core computational methods.
This repository contains project work for the Database Design and Management course at NKUA, including assignments on ER diagram design, SQL query writing, and a web-based API using MySQL for the "Movie Star" game concept.
💻 JobExecutorServer is a multithreaded server that manages and executes jobs in a producer-consumer queue model, allowing multiple clients (jobCommanders) to submit, monitor, and control job execution through socket communication.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
📻📡 The Radio Link Frequency Assignment Problem
💻 This project is a custom shell implementation written in C. It provides a command-line interface for users to execute commands, manage command history, create and use aliases, and handle input/output redirection and pipelines. The shell supports various built-in commands and can execute external programs, making it a versatile tool.
This project aims to develop a comprehensive academic monitoring system for a university department.
This repository contains three projects exploring the core concepts of database systems: Heap File Management, B+ Tree Indexing, and External Merge Sort. Built in C, these assignments demonstrate block-level file management, indexing, and sorting algorithms, providing hands-on experience with database internals and performance optimization.