Implementation of algorithms described at paper "Efficient Projections onto the ℓ1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions" by J.Duchi, S.Shalev-Shwartz, Y.Singer and T.Chandra:
Contains two methods:
- Linear-time (in worst case) projection of vector with n dimensions on ℓ1-ball placed at origin with known radius z. Quite easy for understand and do not needs information about gradient procedure. Checks if vector inside the ball, and if not - projects on simplex mirrored to R+^n vector v, and then mirror it back to the initial space.
- O(k*log(n)) time projection algorithm for sparse data where k is amount of deletes/inserts of changed components for next iteration step. Works with Red-Black tree for intensive delete/insert operations which has fast update of amount and sum of elements in right and left subtrees after each delete/insert. More effective when used in pair with some optimization method (otherwise, O(k*log(n)) time estimate won't work).
To use first method:
- Just import projecting_linear.project_linear(v,z) function with vector v and scalar ℓ1-constraint z. Function will return projected vector.
To use second method:
- Push non-zero (positive, since we are using absolute values) elements of vector in red-black tree by inserting them one by one. Take into account, that 'insert' method will return node of red-black tree, and thus you may create vector of corresponding nodes. Second method currently is in develop.
- Test sparse projection with some iterative procedure.
- Extend usage on transport flows.