Direct compilation of Ethereum Virtual Machine
zkEVM1 is the first implementation of a zk-EVM compiled directly from a C++ EVM implementation. It is based on evmone -- a widely used C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
Characteristic of zkEVM1
- Can be used both as an EVM and as a zk-EVM.
- Fully compatible with evmone EVM implementation.
- Uses crypto3 cryptography library to provide circuit-friendly cryptographic primitives.
Usage as an EVM
The zkEVM1 is fully compatible with evmone. Since we provide the same interface, you can use the usage instruction from evmone usage documentation.
Usage as a zk-EVM
Binary Installation
zkLLVM is distributed as a deb package, so you can install it using the following commands:
echo 'deb [trusted=yes] http://deb.nil.foundation/ubuntu/ all main' >>/etc/apt/sources.list
apt update
apt install -y zkllvm cmake libboost-all-dev
Installation from sources
Sometimes you may want to install zkLLVM from sources. This is useful if you want to contribute to the project or if you want to use the latest version of the project.
Clone repository
Clone the repository and all its submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:NilFoundation/zkllvm.git
cd zkllvm
Configure cmake
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -B ${ZKEVM1_BUILD:-build} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
make -C ${ZKEVM1_BUILD:-build} evmone_circuit -j$(nproc)
Generate Execution trace
This generates an execution trace for the arithmetic example built.
$assigner -b ${ZKEVM1_BUILD:-build}/lib/evmone/evmone_circuit -i input-examples/input0.ll -t assignment.tbl -c circuit.crct
Generate the proof
To generate the proof, you need to either local proof producer or to use the proof market CLI. Both approaches are described in Proof Market usage documentation.