This document's primary purpose is to show how to migrate the deployment state from one Kubernetes cluster to another.
mkdir ./cluster-dump
First, get a list of all namespaces that are not kube-system or default and record them to a file on disk. This represents the list of namespaces that we want to migrate:
kubectl get --export -o=json ns |
jq '.items[] |
select(!="kube-system") |
select(!="default") |
)' > ./cluster-dump/ns.json
For each of these namespaces, dump all services, controllers (rc,ds,replicaset,etc), secrets and daemonsets to a file on disk. Strip any non-portable fields from the objects. If you wish to migrate additional controller resource types (replicasets, deployments, etc), make sure to add them to the resource type list:
for ns in $(jq -r '' < ./cluster-dump/ns.json);do
echo "Namespace: $ns"
kubectl --namespace="${ns}" get --export -o=json svc,rc,secrets,ds |
jq '.items[] |
select(.type!="") |
)' >> "./cluster-dump/cluster-dump.json"
Create the set of namespaces needed for your deployment state:
kubectl create -f cluster-dump/ns.json
Restore the resource state:
kubectl create -f cluster-dump/cluster-dump.json
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