
Migration of Kubernetes cluster deployment state

Migration of Kubernetes cluster deployment state

This document's primary purpose is to show how to migrate the deployment state from one Kubernetes cluster to another.

Dump from the source cluster

mkdir ./cluster-dump

First, get a list of all namespaces that are not kube-system or default and record them to a file on disk. This represents the list of namespaces that we want to migrate:

kubectl get --export -o=json ns |
jq '.items[] | select(.metadata.name!="kube-system") | select(.metadata.name!="default") | del(.status, .metadata.uid, .metadata.selfLink, .metadata.resourceVersion, .metadata.creationTimestamp, .metadata.generation )' > ./cluster-dump/ns.json

For each of these namespaces, dump all services, controllers (rc,ds,replicaset,etc), secrets and daemonsets to a file on disk. Strip any non-portable fields from the objects. If you wish to migrate additional controller resource types (replicasets, deployments, etc), make sure to add them to the resource type list:

for ns in $(jq -r '.metadata.name' < ./cluster-dump/ns.json);do echo "Namespace: $ns" kubectl --namespace="${ns}" get --export -o=json svc,rc,secrets,ds |
jq '.items[] | select(.type!="kubernetes.io/service-account-token") | del( .spec.clusterIP, .metadata.uid, .metadata.selfLink, .metadata.resourceVersion, .metadata.creationTimestamp, .metadata.generation, .status, .spec.template.spec.securityContext, .spec.template.spec.dnsPolicy, .spec.template.spec.terminationGracePeriodSeconds, .spec.template.spec.restartPolicy )' >> "./cluster-dump/cluster-dump.json" done

Restore to target cluster

Create the set of namespaces needed for your deployment state:

kubectl create -f cluster-dump/ns.json

Restore the resource state:

kubectl create -f cluster-dump/cluster-dump.json

Ref : https://coreos.com/kubernetes/docs/latest/cluster-dump-restore.html