How to install this mod - presented by Cass and Tadpole

  1. Download the mod, check your download directory (usually ThisPC/Downloads)
  2. Unzip the modfile. Make sure the folder name is still TNOcustompaths, and if isn't, rename it - Github often automatically renames it to TNOcustompaths-master without prompting.
  3. Enter the folder, Take out the .MOD file (the file called TNOcustompaths.mod) and put it outside the folder into whatever directory you downloaded the mod into.
  4. Hold control, and click the folder and the .MOD file and press copy
  5. Go to Hearts of Iron 4's local files, and paste it into the mod folder. The exact directory depends on your operating system:
    • Windows: C:\[...]\My Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod
    • Linux: ~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod
  6. Boot up HOI4, click "Manage Playset, then click "Add More Mods"
  7. Select TNO Custom Country Paths Github Version and click "Add to Playset"
  8. Search for TNO Custom Country Paths Github Version and activate the mod.
  9. Play the mod and enjoy.