PayBrokers - Technical Challenge


The challenge is about to creating two APIs focused on microservices communication.

The API-A has a POST route, that receives a product (name, description, value), verifies the existence of the product name on the MongoDB database, case exists returns a message warning that the product already exists, case not, saves the product on a MongoDB collection, send this to API-B, and returns the created product.

The API-B receives the product via RabbitMQ, verifies the existence of the product name on the MySQL database, case exists, the product is discarded, case not exists, creates the product on a MySQL database. API-B also has a get product list route, that returns an array of products, and a get product by name route, returning a product selected by his name.

How to run

For a complete instructions on how to run, see the API-A on this link


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