Coin Cloud Angular Boilerplate Project

This project is based on Angular CLI on version 11.2.2. The default CLI project setup has been adapted:

  • Karma has been replaced by jest as the unit test runner
  • Jasmine has been replace by Cucumber and chai in e2e tests
  • tslint and Codelyzer have been replaced by eslint
  • Customizable webpack configuration
  • Basic mock backend has been included based on json-server

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

You can also test the application from a different device (e.g. your smartphone) in the same network. In order to do so, you must serve the app with ng serve --host which will make it accessible from outside the localhost. You can access the app by opening your local IP address and port in the browser, e.g.

The mocked backend can be used as a datasource for the application. It is started with npm run backend-mock and served on port 9080. The proxy.config.js of the Angular development server is already set up to use this backend.

Test Requirements

1 - Fork this repo as a Boiler Plate

Node Version - v16.13.2

2 - Build a 2 page application

3 - First Page

Create a form that has 5 inputs First Name, Last Name, How long have you been a devloper?, What programming languages are you proficient in?, Are there any programming languages you would like to learn?
Submit button - disabled unless the form is filled out in its.
Make it Responsive

4 - Second Page

Display First and Last name
Create a button - Profile Button - this button will toggle the Questions and answers you gave to the 3 questions

Using NgRX(State management) Use the Mock Database provided to display all 10 users and info
Use flex or grid to display Users
Then use api call (There is NO API Key needed) to receive List of tokens available for swap.
Display this list of tokens and their logo .
Use flex or grid to display 4 tokens(on fullscreen) in each row of cards - Token Logo on top and Token Symbol below Logo.
Make it Responsive

5 - There is no design given but make it look good

6 - When done send us your Repository

DO not make it private, we need to be able to clone it and run it locally

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.