
Welcome to the knowledge-sharing repository dedicated to Cypress Test Automation! This repository aims to provide insights, tips, and examples based on real-world experiences with Cypress, covering both UI and API testing.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cypress Test Automation Knowledge Sharing


Welcome to the knowledge-sharing repository dedicated to Cypress Test Automation! This repository aims to provide insights, tips, and examples based on real-world experiences with Cypress, covering both UI and API testing. The content here is a result of continuous learning and adaptation to the challenges faced in day-to-day testing scenarios.

Table of Contents**

  • About Cypress

  • Getting Started

  • UI Automation

  • Page Object Model

  • Handling Dynamic Elements

  • Custom Commands

  • API Automation

  • RESTful API Testing

  • Handling Authentication

  • Latest Cypress Version

  • Challenges Faced

  • Overcoming Challenges

  • Contributing

About Cypress Cypress is a powerful end-to-end testing framework for web applications. It is known for its simplicity, speed, and ability to run tests directly in the browser. Cypress supports both UI and API testing, making it a versatile choice for testing modern web applications.

Getting Started**

To start using Cypress, follow these steps:

** 1. Clone this repository:**

git clone https://github.com/NilukaSripalim/cypress-knowledge-sharing.git

2. Install dependencies:

cd cypress-knowledge-sharing
npm install

3. Open Cypress:

npx cypress open

Now, you are ready to explore and run Cypress tests!

UI Automation

Page Object Model

Implementing the Page Object Model (POM) helps organize and maintain UI tests efficiently. Separate page objects for each web page or component make the tests more readable and maintainable.

Handling Dynamic Elements

Learn how to deal with dynamic elements that may change during runtime. Cypress provides powerful commands and utilities for handling dynamic scenarios.

Custom Commands

Create custom Cypress commands to encapsulate repetitive actions or complex functionalities, enhancing the reusability of your test code.

API Automation

RESTful API Testing

Explore examples and best practices for testing RESTful APIs using Cypress. Write clean and effective API tests that provide valuable insights into your application's behavior.

Handling Authentication

Understand different authentication mechanisms and learn how to handle them in Cypress API tests. Cover scenarios like token-based authentication and user login.

Latest Cypress Version

Stay updated with the latest Cypress version (^13.6.1) and leverage new features and improvements. Check for release notes and update your projects accordingly.

Challenges Faced

Share real-world challenges encountered during Cypress test automation. Document scenarios that posed difficulties in testing and understanding.

Overcoming Challenges

Provide solutions and workarounds for the challenges discussed. Share insights into overcoming common obstacles in Cypress test automation.


Contribute to the knowledge-sharing repository by sharing your own experiences, tips, or challenges related to Cypress test automation. Fork the repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request.

I will discuss and share examples of Cypress tests to align with the above contents. These examples will cover both UI and API testing scenarios. By diving into practical examples, we can reinforce the concepts discussed earlier and demonstrate how to apply them in real-world testing scenarios. Feel free to explore the test cases, understand their structure, and adapt them to your specific application needs. Let's make the learning experience more hands-on and interactive!

Happy testing with Cypress! 🚀