
Aids in databinding CheckBox, RadioButton, ToggleButton and Button views on Android

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bindable Buttons, Radio Buttons, ToggleButtons and Checkboxes

Android databinding is an awesome tool that enabels a clean MVVM architecture. However lacking from the core SDK is support for bound lists of buttons, radio buttons and checkboxes. These are pretty normal use cases that I encounter in almost every app I develop. Therefore I have published this library to aid in that.



Add a jitpack reference to your project.

  1. In your root build.gradle

Add reference to the jitpack.io repoistory if you haven't got one already

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. In your application module
implementation 'com.github.nilzor:bindable-radiobuttons:'1.2.2'


Radio Buttons

  • Expose a List of objects of type or subtype of RadioButtonViewModel in your view model class.
  • Add a <com.nilsenlabs.bindableradiobuttons.radiobuttons.BindableRadioButtonList> view to your XML and wire up:
    • A reference to your button list through the app:buttons property
    • (Optionally) Reference a custom view through the app:itemViewId property. The layout XML file must contain a single <RadioButton> view element
    • (Optionally) A one- or two-way binding to a viewmodel-property using the app:selectedItem property. The field must be of type TitledElement, or ObservableField<TitledElement> if you want to listen to or notify of changes to the checked states.
    • (Optionally) tools:itemCount="2" to get layout preview of 2 items in the Android Studio Designer

CheckBoxes / ToggleButtons / Switch / SwitchCompat

  • Expose a list of CheckBoxViewModel objects in your ViewModel
  • Add a com.nilsenlabs.bindableradiobuttons.checkbox.BindableCheckBoxList to your view and wire up:
    • A reference to your checkbox list through the app:checkboxes property
    • (Optional) A reference to a custom view XML layout through the app:itemViewId property. The file must contain one and only one view element which extends CompoundButton
    • Use the isChecked: ObservableBoolean fields of the ViewModel if you need to react to changes.
    • (Optional) Use app:onCheckedChanged on the <BindableCheckBoxList> to listen for changes. Signature in the ViewModel: val checkedChanged = BindableCheckBoxList.CheckedChangeListener { viewModel -> }


  • Expose a list of ButtonViewModel objects in your ViewModel (1)
  • Add a com.nilsenlabs.bindableradiobuttons.buttons.BindableButtonList to your view and wire up:
    • A reference to your button list through the app:buttons property
    • (Optionally) A reference to a custom Button XML view through the app:buttonViewId property
    • (Optionally) A reference to a click listener using the onButtonClicked property. However the most common approach would probably be wiring individual click listeners using the onClick event of the individual ButtonViewModel-classes.

Example: See activity_main.xml and MainActivityViewModel

(1) If you don't want to use the provided ButtonViewModel, you can create your own button ViewModel extending ButtonViewModelInterface. Same goes for CheckboxViewModelInterface for CheckBox and RadioButtonViewModelInterface for RadioButton.


The project has two modules: The library and an example app named sample. In the sample module you'll find a fully functioning example. See especially these two files:

This library is opinionated

  • It does not support a mutating list in the sense that individual additions or removal of elements take effect. If you need to apply changes to the list, rebind the entire list.

  • It does not allow the text of the buttons to change dyanamically. Most buttons should not change title or function throughout their lifetime on their screen.

  • It does not allow you to databind individual properties of the views other than click listeners and text. This would require a different approach or at least a custom binding interface that takes away the simplicity of the library. If you do need to databind e.g. the color of each check box text, first ask yourself if you really do need that, then either build the support from scratch, fork this library or make a pull request.