Valheim Server Manager . Supports: ValheimPlus, Bepinex, Multi-world, Multi-Lang, Update, Backup, Restore and more: Built for Linux
- 1
Unable to connect
#312 opened by FahmiKamarul - 2
- 0
[BUG] missing "apt" in installation command
#306 opened by DSDV - 2
[BUG] BepInEx Redirect Error
#311 opened by dannzen - 1
[FEATURE] V+ support
#309 opened by sergey-jr - 0
- 4
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Support
#287 opened by Taxick - 1
- 1
Fedora Support Request
#290 opened by Enigma619 - 4
[FEATURE] See active players in njordmenu
#295 opened by apertureless - 1
[BUG] chown: Cannot access 'home/steam/valheim...': no such file or directory
#302 opened by mariuslindegard - 1
njordmenu is empty
#297 opened by Topspeed8362 - 3
Problem after server update
#294 opened by Wbodzio - 2
[BUG] World folder wrong path
#293 opened by Terule - 3
- 1
Fresh Installation error
#282 opened by NeoDragonXDA - 2
Server keeps randomly crashing
#281 opened by Vanillabacke - 3
[FEATURE] -logfile parameter for launch options
#279 opened by urbels - 2
Unable to clone repo wiki in Windows [BUG]
#280 opened by rwaight - 3
- 9
listing of ports [BUG]
#273 opened by skynett81 - 0
- 12
Second Server [FEATURE]
#253 opened by Btaito - 1
Server build show 'no data' ,ERROR! Failed to install app '896660' (Disk write failure)'
#270 opened by duncan1126 - 4
Could I add the player limit?
#269 opened by duncan1126 - 1
- 1
[FEATURE] Monitor Server status - status page
#262 opened by leafshore - 1
[BUG] Issue with Github "Sponsor"
#267 opened by dmackerman - 1
[FEATURE] Service account should be configurable.
#260 opened by unixtreme - 1
[BUG] Missing file hardening required.
#259 opened by unixtreme - 4
[FEATURE]Begin using SCRIPT with Steam Installed server on Ubuntu Studio 20.10 Plasma
#257 opened by CoolGames - 2
- 2
World Data not saving after copying world data from computer [TECH SUPPORT}
#237 opened by lukasasorensen - 0
#252 opened by davidtheheathen - 1
[TECH SUPPORT} - Menu not working
#250 opened by GJordao - 2
- 4
[BUG] Unable to use Some Tech support Tools
#238 opened by NeonMeth - 4
wan access issue possible apache
#234 opened by haviduck - 9
[BUG] Update server version
#230 opened by vinbeze - 7
[FEATURE] Install only BepInEx
#217 opened by D-A-R-K-N-E-S-S - 10
[BUG] Incompatible Version
#222 opened by Voarex - 2
[BUG] Confusing Server Version Info
#220 opened by Pendora2017 - 15
- 5
- 11
[BUG] Incorrect server naming if there is a space
#197 opened by ShikyoKira - 2
Name with special characters [FEATURE]
#176 opened by danz00 - 5
Automatic save of config files
#174 opened by lightface79 - 0
[How-to] How can I add my language to the project!?
#199 opened by Nimdy - 5
Server keeps going inactive
#166 opened by Alex-Mastin - 2
Attempting to join manually: Disconnected
#167 opened by Vanclief