VRising Dedicated Server Linux Docker

Run a VRising Dedicated Server on Linux via Docker (TESTED on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS Focal Fossa 4CPU 8GB RAM)

Visit https://github.com/StunlockStudios/vrising-dedicated-server-instructions for additionall json configuration settings.

Menu system coming soon ... work in progress. Until then just follow the steps below and you can have your own V Rising Server running in Docker.

Server Hosting Provided By DigitalOcean

Setup and Install

  1. Update Ubuntu Server
sudo apt update
  1. Install Docker
sudo apt install docker.io -y
  1. Install other supporting items for Docker
sudo snap install docker
  1. Create a non-root user
useradd --create-home --shell /bin/bash --password ChangeMePassword steam
  1. Copy over the env for the new user
cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /home/steam/.bashrc
  1. Copy over profile env for the user
cp /etc/skel/.profile /home/steam/.profile
  1. Change into the steam user home dir
cd ~steam
  1. clone the repo from here
git clone https://github.com/Nimdy/VRising_Dedicated_Docker_Server.git
  1. Change into the repo directory
cd VRising_Dedicated_Docker_Server
  1. Allow execution permissions
chmod +x ./* -R
  1. Build the Docker Image for local use
sudo docker build . -t njordmenu/vrising:latest
  1. Make directory for persistence data (saves, configs ..etc)
mkdir -p /home/steam/VRising_Dedicated_Docker_Server/data/VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/
  1. Copy over the Host Configurations. Change these as you wish.
cp configs/ServerHostSettings.json data/VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/
  1. Copy over the Game Configurations. Change these as you wish.
cp configs/ServerGameSettings.json data/VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/
  1. Copy over the VoIP settings. Change as you wish.
cp configs/ServerVoipSettings.json data/VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/
  1. Copy over the ADMIN list. Change as you wish.
cp configs/adminlist.txt data/VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/
  1. Copy over the BAN list. Change as you wish
cp configs/banlist.txt data/VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/
  1. Start the Docker Container
Connect and have fun

Make sure you port forward ports UDP 9876 and 9877 or allow them in your firewall.


Secure with steam user and not root
Update menu system
find free time


This Server uses the following Images;



OG Script: https://github.com/toninog/docker-vrising <--- awesome guy!