
LightsOut project During Colt Steele React Course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


LightsOut project During Colt Steele React Course

Lights Out is an electronic game released by Tiger Electronics in 1995. he game consists of a 5 by 5 grid of lights. When the game starts, a random number or a stored pattern of these lights is switched on. Pressing any of the lights will toggle it and the adjacent lights. The goal of the puzzle is to switch all the lights off, preferably in as few button presses as possible.

Tech Stack Used

  1. REACT JS -> For The Board Component which would inturn render the cell component
  2. CSS -> Elementary To Intermidiate CSS And Design Hints From CodePen To Make the Glowing Logo .

To Run The App

nimesh at deathnote in ⌁
╰─λ cd LightsOutReact
╰─λ npm i -g
╰─λ npm start
