My curated list of best StackOverflow questions that I have come across. Contributions are welcome!!
Security StackExchange newtork
Questions relevant to everyone
Attack vector for exploiting WhatsApp's retransmission “vulnerability”?
Explain to non tech savvy person how to check that your connection to is safe?
Help! My home PC has been infected by a virus! What do I do now?
How do you find out if a phone is secretly sending private data to a remote server?
Landlord will be watching my data traffic, as mentioned in the lease agreement
What is worse for password strength, a poor password policy or no password policy at all?
Should I let my child's school have access to my kid's personal laptop?
Police forcing me to install Jingwang spyware app, how to minimize impact?
How can you trust that there is no backdoor in your hardware?
Questions relevant to software developers
Food for thought: A bunch of interesting questions
References: References to help you code well
Don't(s): Learn from other people's mistakes ;)
Questions relevant system administratos
Questions relevant to securing your organization and general security guidelines
Feasibility and scalability of a large biometric system (e.g. Aadhaar)
How to create a company culture that cares about information security?
Questions related to career progress and worklife