
Patientor App

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Full Stack Open 2020 Project

This repository contains server files, the client files are at ninas-patientor-client



Frontend integration

Change the base url in constants.ts file (front-end)

export const apiBaseUrl = "/api";


Change index.ts from development to production

  1. Remove previous build with rm -rf ./build/ (backend)

  2. Run npm run tsc to create a new build (backend)

  3. Run npm run build to create a new build (front-end)

  4. Change the name of front-end build folder to react-app and move it to the backend build folder

  5. Commit changes to git

  6. Run git push heroku main to push the new build to heroku

  7. Any issues, check logs with heroku logs -t

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