Flashcards Project


Flashcards is a mobile app and a learning tool.

Set up a Quiz by creating a New Deck and adding some Cards with questions and answers.

Take the Quiz and check your Score. Repeat until you've mastered the subject!

Install & Launch

This app has been tested on iPhone SE using Expo client application.

You will need Expo client or simulator to view the app.

Setting up Expo client and Expo CLI

  1. Download Expo client to your phone form App Store (iPhone) or Play Store (Android)

  2. Create an Expo account and login

  3. Go to your computer and open command line

  4. Run npm install -g expo-cli to install Expo CLI globally

  5. Run 'expo --version' to check that it has been installed

  6. Run 'expo login' and sign in with the login details you created with Expo client

  7. Run 'expo whoami' to check that you have logged in

Installing the project

  1. Clone or download the project from GitHub

  2. Navigate to the project root folder from command line

  3. Run npm install to install project dependencies

  4. Run npm start to start Expo DevTools (usually at http://localhost:19002). You should see a QR code appear at the terminal

  5. Open your phone camera and point at the QR code. You will be prompted to open the project in Expo client

Note that the project uses local storage, so there are no Decks or Cards to start with.
