
According to the requirements:

  • Service can create, update, get, list projects
  • Participants may be added via create or update methods
  • Owner-participants department validation is implemented
  • Owner manager status validation is implemented
  • Service is stateless: uses postgresql for storage
  • Migration script is provided
  • API is provided in Openapi v3 format
  • Application may be run natively or in docker

In the case that the requrements are such, that ope participant must participate in no more than one project: one should modify storage scheme from participant_ids text[] to a new table binding participant and project, with unique index constaint on (project_id, participant_id). Also an additional check in the business-logic layer must be implemented along with corresponding methods in the storage layer.



Unfortunately I had problems actually running the application with provided docker compose. Need more time to work out the problem with networks.

docker-compose up


This is the way i was able to virify anything works

docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -p 5432:5432 -d postgres:12
cd cmd/projectmanager 
go build
./projectmanager -c ../../configs/local.yaml


curl -XPOST localhost:8080/api/projects -d '{"uid":"1234", "name": "Name!", "owner_id": "eba96253-5ff4-48e4-86d5-7197bcc7c349"}'
curl -XPATCH localhost:8080/api/projects/1234 -d '{"participant_ids": ["1088511c-18e0-4bb6-861b-8112de23be97"]}'
curl localhost:8080/api/projects