
java(v17) springboot(v3.0.1)

Primary LanguageJava


Build With

features developed

  • get properties from POST request body
  • create a DTO (data transfer object) file for car properties

Getting Started

To clone the project, run the following command:

git clone https://github.com/NinaS23/CarsApi_Java.git

Then navigate to the project folder in ApiApplication.java and:

run the project

Go to thunderClient and make a Post with the route


Then, put in the body of thunderClient as below

  "modelo": "Fiat Argo 1.3",
  "fabricante": "Fiat",
  "dataFabricacao": "10/02/2006",
  "valor": 10.000,
  "anoModelo": 2023

Finally , open the terminal to see the printed data