
Visualizing Erasmus mobility as part of our Datavisualization Course at Aarhus university.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Visualizing Erasmus mobility as part of our Datavisualization Course at Aarhus university. Authors: Anna Schierholz, Nina Ziegenbein, Emilie Grenth To make it work:

  1. "npm install"
  2. install rollup "npm install @rollup/plugin-buble --save-dev"
  3. run "rollup -c" to see your changes
  4. Open with Live Server extension (VS Code) to avoid other errors

Column Names

Column Name Explanation
Year The academic year in form 20xx-20xx
Duration The duration of exchange in days
FieldOfEducation The field of education (no categories)
Gender Gender of participant [Female, Male, Undefined]
Age Age of participant
SendCountry Country Code of sending country
SendCity Cityname of sending city
SendOrga Name of sending organisation
SendOrgaCode Code of sending organisation
RecCountry Country Code of receiving country
RecCity Cityname of receiving city
RecOrga Name of receiving organisation
RecOrgaCode Code of receiving organisation

Country Codes

Code Country Code Country Code Country Code Country
BE Belgium EL Greece LT Lithuania PT Portugal
BG Bulgaria ES Spain LU Luxembourg RO Romania
CZ Czechia FR France HU Hungary SI Slovenia
DK Denmark HR Croatia MT Malta SK Slovakia
DE Germany IT Italy NL Netherlands FI Finland
EE Estonia CY Cyprus AT Austria SE Sweden
IE Ireland LV Latvia PL Poland
IS Iceland NO Norway LI Liechtenstein CH Switzerland
UK United Kingdom MK North Macedonia RS Serbia TR Turkey
AL Albania BA Bosnia and Herzegovina XK Kosovo ME Montenegro
BY Belarus MD Moldova UA Ukraine RU Rumania