
Loco: Localization Package for Nim Apps

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

Loco: Localization Package for Nim

Build Status

Loco helps localize Nim apps. Uses classic declaratively defined "zero-one-few-many" language variables, but thanks to Nim's superpowers, you also have code completion and compilation checks for language variables.

  1. Define localizations with loco macro:

    # en_US.nim
    import loco
    loco en:
      hello: "hello"
        zero: "no users"
        one: "{n} user"
        many: "{n} users"

    Argument en is the name of a pluralizer. Pluralizer is a module in loco that defines pluralization rules for a particural language.

    As of version 0.1.0, Loco ships with two pluralizers: `en` for English and `ru` for Russian. Contributions are very welcome.
  2. Use them in your code as regular functions:

    # app.nim
    import en_US
    echo hello() & " world"     # → "hello world"
    echo "there's " & 0.users   # → "there's no users"
    echo "there's " & 1.users   # → "there's 1 user"
    echo "there's " & 12.users  # → "there's 12 users"


Install Norm with Nimble:

$ nimble install loco


Any contributions are welcome, be it pull requests, code reviews, documentation improvements, bug reports, or feature requests.

If you decide to contribute through code, please run the tests after you change the code:

$ docker-compose run tests                  # run all tests in Docker
$ docker-compose run test tests/testen.nim  # run a single test suite in Docker
$ nimble test                               # run all tests natively
$ nim c -r tests/testen.nim                 # run a single test suite natively

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