ASS-embly spec

: operator

defines a label with a name :<NAME> example:


labels can be jumped to like so example:

JMP :loop

this program never ends

when jumping to a label the next instruction after the label gets executed

SUB $A $B $D
JMP :loop

will keep subtracting register A from B forever


jumps to the label if the first argument is higher than the second argument

JHT ?a ?b :loop

SUB operator

subtracts the first register from the second register outputting it into the third register SUB <register1> <register2> <output register>

JMP operator

Jumps to the label JMP :<label name> example:

JMP :loop

DEF operator

defines a constant or ram address alias


DEF $pi 3
DEF ?weed 420

? operator

describes a ram address to use with an optional value


DEF ?cute
DEF ?cute 4

MUL operator

multiplies the first and second variable outputting the result into the ram address example:

MUL ?A ?B ?C

ADD operator

adds the first and second variable and outputs the result into the ram address

ADD $A $B ?C

CPY operator

Copies the A variable to the B register


JNE operator

jumps if the values are not equal to each other

JNE $A $B :loop

JE operator

jumps if the values are equal to each other

JE $A $B :loop

DIV operator

divides the first and second variable outputting the result into the ram address example:

DIV ?A ?B ?C

'#' Operator

the hashtag operator is a comment and will be ignored

EXIT operator

input one register as the exit code and exits the program

EXIT ?arg1

YEET operator

Writes data to the SECS ( Serial External Communication System ). the first argument is the variable represeting the device ID the second is the variable that holds the instruction and the third argument is the address that points to the data

YEET ?arg1 ?arg2 ?arg3


  • '#' Operator Done
  • Add operator done
  • Sub operator done
  • Def operator done
  • ? operator done
  • Exit operator done
  • JE operator Done
  • JNE operator Done
  • CPY operator done
  • MUL operator done
  • JMP operator done
  • : operator DONE
  • DIV operator DONE