This project was based off the iAqua controller written by Dan Cunningham with new features and updates here.
- Water temperature monitoring
- Allows calibration
- Automatic shutoff of heater if water exceeds setpoint
- Automatic water top-off
- Float switch inputs for tank and reservoir
- Set maximum run-time with alarm flagged if exceeded
- Feeding mode
- Monitor time since last fed
- Control outlets during feeding (ie turn off pumps)
- Light control
- 6-channel PWM or IR control of e-series LED
- 4 lighting levels (moonlight, sunrise, mid-morning and full daylight)
- Dosing
- 3 channels
- Individual settings for each channel
- 8 power outlet control
- Manual control or set on/off times
- Aux outlets can be set to cycle times (ie on 10 minutes every 2 hours)
- Arduino Mega
- 320 x 240 LCD
- Arduino Mega TFT Shield (or custom shield below)
- 12V power supply
- 8 channel relay board
- DS18B20 temperature sensor
- Peristaltic pumps
- Float switch
- Submersible 12V pump
- (Optional)PCA9685 breakout board
- Adafruit PWM Servo Driver
- Dallas Temperature
- Time Library
- Arduino IR Remote
- DS1307RTC
- SdFat
- TimeAlarms
- UTFT_SdRaw
- URTouch
If you are using an ecoxotic e-series LED set "lightCSP" to true, otherwise set it to false. If you are using a PCA9685 chip for PWM set boolean "PCA9685Installed" to true.