
Primary LanguageJava

CSProj Planner

CSProj Planner is a desktop app to help Computer Science students manage their projects. However, while being optimized for CS students, the app will still be useful to any student looking to easily keep track of all their upcoming projects. Users are able to add and delete projects at will, as well as view the tasks needed to be done for their submissions.

Hello from

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More information can be found in the User Guide.

Quick Start

  • Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  • Ensure you have downloaded our latest version.
  • Copy the file to your preferred folder as the home folder for your CSProj Planner.
  • Double click the file to start the app.
  • Type your command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. Some example commands you can try:
    • addproject cs2113: add a new project named cs2113 to the planner.

    • listprojects: list out all projects in the list.

    • exit: exit the project.