
Online Job Search Portal - Ability to register an advertisement for an employer and find a suitable job for a job seeker. written in Django. Topics python django bootstrap4 django-framework job-portal online-job-portal

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Online Job Portal

Ability to register an advertisement for an employer and find a suitable job for a job seeker. written in Django.

Run This App :

  1. clone the project
  2. go to project directory cd OnlineJobPortal-Django
  3. make sure you have python3, pip and virtualenv installed in your machine
  4. create virtualenv : python -m venv venv  
  5. active virtualenv: on mac & linux: source venv/bin/activate, on windows : venv\scripts\activate
  6. install requirements : pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. run : python manage.py migrate
  8. to run the server : python manage.py runserver
  9. finally in your browser enter this address


  • python3
  • Django3.2.6
  • BootStrap4
  • SQlite datebase